Tuesday, January 20, 2009


01.20.2009, originally uploaded by courtneypurdum.

Very proud to be an American today.

'Hope' seemed to be one of the taglines used during Obama's campaign - hope for change, hope for a United America.

My hopes are that he does well, that his moving words are backed with his actions. I know he isn't a saint, as he is human, and makes mistakes. But there's something for a man who says he will admit it, not barking that he is 'the decider'. I hope he can sway the nonbelievers over the next 4 years. The negativity towards this man seemed so much stronger and personal than others. Maybe it's because I was a lot more involved in this campaign than past ones, as I can't say I was 100% Kerry fan, but it wasn't Bush, so that's how I voted.

I love that he has reached out to McCain. I love how he is getting America involved. He is listening and learning.

I cannot wait to hear his speech. I cannot wait for the next 4 years.

And, if he rides around on a unicorn, that won't be half bad either.

1 comment:

Claire Mojher said...

hehe - love this!