Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Note to self.

07, originally uploaded by courtneypurdum.

There are multiple reasons to posting this photo, and they are listed as follows: 1) I want to start buying more local foods, fresh foods, etc. 2) holy god, clean your refrigerator.

Where I live, there are no close grocery stores, so I try to get all my shopping done on the weekends. The Boy and I are beginning a ritual on Sundays of driving to First Watch in Cleveland Heights then getting groceries either at Whole Foods or Giant Eagle, depending on how hipster we dressed that day.

This past Sunday we stopped into Whole Foods and were picking up the minimum: veggies/meat for a quick dinner, some spices, and a gallon of milk for our nightly cereal meal (no lie, we go through 2 gallons a week I would say. The Boy is a cereal disposal.) I had barely touched whatever the cheap gallon of skim milk was when a spritely little voice chimed in over my shoulder. "You should buy local! Here try some it's SO much better and raised by cows down by Athens! It's cheaper than all the other organic milks you are buying!" I've got to give it to her, she was very adamant. I looked at the Boy, who sort of shrugged, and so I put back the gallon and told the girl thank you, but she was almost skipping down the aisle towards another couple grabbing for the 2%.

It is really good milk. I didn't have the heart to break it to her we would be pouring it over Special K flakes.


Vitamin B-Lardo said...

I like you a lot. Now why do you keep your bumblebee tuna in the fridge??

court said...

Haha, actually, that isn't mine. The roommate's, I think. Who is never there. Who has hardly anything else in the fridge.